Tuesday 28 June 2011

Following a dream

Hello and welcome to my blog. It's lovely to see you again and I hope you have time to enjoy this glorious weather. It's lovely down here with the beach in bloom and the sea calm and inviting; waters' still freezing mind.

Now it's with great reluctance that I'm writing this blog as it will be the last one for 6 months for I'm off to pursue my dream.

For years I've dreamt of writing a feature film which excites, thrills, and entertains millions of people. Now the research is done; locations visited; story and characters in place; it's time to write the script. It's a thrilling prospect, but over the forth-coming months there will be tears, tantrums, and despair, but that's fine. What's not fine, is not trying at all, or trying half-heartedly.

I'll miss you, but wish me luck and in 6 months I shall return to this blog, not a millionaire, but content that I gave my dream my very, very best shot.

Thank you for dropping by. Look after yourselves and ta-ra for a while.

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