All About History has added its voice saying that, 'Blood and Bandages is easy to read and a unique perspective of WWII,' while Books Monthly described the book as a 'Superb account of William Earl's career as a Nursing Orderly in various WW2 campaigns.' There's even a waiting list to read it at the local library.
Talking of which, it'll be at Shoreham Library on Tuesday 10th October at 7.00pm, that I'll begin a series of five autumn book talks.

For about 45 minutes, I'll be talking about how the book was written, the role of the field ambulance in World War Two and aspects of the Italian Campaign. William will then join me for a question and answer session before we move onto a book signing. If you would like to come, tickets can be purchased here.
Hot on the heels of the first talk will be a second event but with another local author, Patrick Souiljaert.
It will be held on Saturday 14th October at 7.30pm at St Peter's Church, West Street, Shoreham-by-Sea. Patrick will talk about his autobiography, Stairs for Breakfast and Screw it, I'll take the Elevator, before I speak on researching and writing Blood and Bandages. The evening will draw to a close with questions and answers and a book signing. Tickets can be purchased here.
There will be a short break before I move onto the scarest of the five talks, the one at the Museum of Military Medicine in Aldershot. It will be held on Wednesday 1st November at Keogh Barracks Ash Vale, Surrey at 7.30pm. The Museum was closely involved in the final stages of Blood and Bandages and it was one of their dedicated curators, Rob MacIntosh, who first described the book as 'far more than a military history.' Nevertheless, it is with trepidiation that I will talk to an audience, the majority of which will be uniformed members of the regiment of which I speak. In contrast, however, I anticipate that William will feel totally at ease with those with whom he feels an instinctive affinity.
The penultimate talk is scheduled for the Shoreham Society on Friday 17th November at 7.30pm. It will see William and I return to St Peter's Church Hall to talk about the operation of a field ambulance and the process of writing the book. Tickets can be purchased here.
The final talk is fittingly at my publisher's society, the 1940s Society in Sevenoaks, Kent. It will be held in Otford Memorial Hall, on Friday 24th November at 8pm. I will be talking about the role of the RAMC in World War Two and William's experience in the field ambulance.
With the last talk over and done with, I will start saying my good-byes to England, for in December, we move to Singapore.
Leaving my family and friends and a country I adore, will be tremendously hard. I've already been buffeted by waves of homesickness as the enormity of the move hits home. However, it is only with sadness and not regret that we will leave because for years, my gorgeous husband, Richard, has had to work abroad for most of the time. Thus, when he was offered a permanent job based in one place, we jumped at it. Yes, he will still have postings abroad, but these will be limited to weeks not months. So, after almost eight years apart, Tom can have a full-time Dad again and I can have a full-time husband.
Richard and Tom.
As I'll no longer be a 'single parent,' I'll have more time to devote to Tom and my writing. I have a second book planned and will return to my beloved scriptwriting. I will continue to blog, but it'll take on a different guise and possibly a different name.
But this is not yet good-bye, it's just advanced warning. I'll still be around until the beginning of December so please do come along to one of the book talks and say hello. It's always a thrill to meet someone who reads my blog.
For now, thanks for dropping by and I'll see you again soon.
I bought three copies of B&B, one for me and one each for my brother and sister. My Dad was a NO with 176 Highland Field Ambulance in the same campaign as William, also Nth Africa and NW Europe, so an interesting and enlightening read. They may have even crossed paths at some time, this is him, Robert (Bob) Hamilton: (perhaps not, seems I can't post photos here).
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. It's a shame that the photos can't be posted. They are super. I hope you and your siblings enjoy the book. All the best